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Tag Archives: children

Burial is Appropriate Action for “Cajun-inspired” Food

On Sundays, in an odd tradition for a beer purveyor, Asheville's Burial Brewery hosts brunches. I sampled their 'Cajun-inspired' offerings recently.

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I’m not selfish – I don’t want children

There is a huge push in our society to raise children, especially here in the South. Most women are born and bred to go to school, get married, and have children - in that order. Sometimes I feel like we have been raised in such a society that you may not realize that you have been predestined for a certain track in life, and you don't question that trail - you just take it. Being a mom is often proclaimed to be the most important job in the world - and I'm not here to dispute that fact. Without my own parents, my mom especially, I would not be here today. However, just because my parents made the decision to procreate and bring another child into this world, does not mean that I have any obligation to do so myself. 

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Mommy Time

Every mom started her life as a little girl and grew to have expectations and dreams of her own. Each of those little girls grew into young women that still held tightly (or not so tightly) to their dreams but responsibilities and expectations of others grew as well. As the girl grows into a young woman, and the young woman matures and is blessed with a spouse and motherhood, the responsibilities of life can become quite overwhelming. We as mothers can often get lost in nurturing the lives of those around us that we fail to nurture ourselves. We have to be careful when we continuously give because we can forget how to receive. I have been asked several times recently what my hobbies are. Things like “taking naps or sleeping in” and “having alone time” or even “taking a shower with no interruptions” and “going to the bathroom alone” come to mind. To my illusion, these are not hobbies. These are mostly fantasies that many mothers share. It amazes me how much thought I have to put into what my hobbies are. Then I can get off on saying something like, “these are what my hobbies would be if …

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Traditional Mom

All of us moms are different women with different personalities wrapped up in different bodies. However, we all have one thing in common and that  is our love for our children. I don’t believe I have ever heard a mother say, “I hope my child grows up and makes nothing of their life”. We all have high hopes for our children. We love and encourage them through the hard times and give them hugs and high fives in their achievements. They can bully their siblings all day long, not listen to a word us parents say to them and cause us an immense amount of frustration but at the end of the day, we love them and will do anything to nurture and protect these precious lives. I recently received a Newsletter from  Mom365 in my email and inside it had a quiz to determine what mom personality you have. My personality is a Traditional Mom. They define it as this: “You came out alright, and your kids will, too. There’s a good chance you’re using the same rules to raise your kids that your parents used on you. You believe that sometimes a kid needs a spanking, and teaching your …

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