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Experience Required?

The other day while at work, I struck up a conversation with the man next to me. We were both at McDonald’s letting our children wear themselves out. We were talking about his situation and he said that Asheville is a more expensive place to live than the plains of Texas, which is where he and his family moved from not to long ago. After chatting awhile longer, we realized that we both had something in common, we both are searching for a job in Asheville.

exp-rqd3He being an educated man, with a four year degree in journalism and I with my extensive years in childcare thought that we would land replacement jobs in no time. However, we both came to the realization that both of our lines of work had limited opportunities in the area.

That leaves us with having to apply for jobs outside of our field. We quickly discovered that we are both at a disadvantage, as most job seekers are now days. Most if not all job postings will say, sometimes in capital letters, EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. Some go as far as to say, “Do not waste my time or yours by applying if you do not have experience.”

Realizing that he now has a twelve year gap in his employment from being a stay at home dad, and with my job being the same, applying for jobs literally is a waste of time.

How can one gain the experience required to apply if everyone is requiring experience? Even simple cashier jobs are now requiring previous cash register experience. Why is it so hard for one person or company to take a chance on someone?

There are plenty of hard working, dedicated and desperate people out there searching, waiting and suffering for a job. All of this because no one is willing to take a chance or the time to train someone.

So job posters, keep saying experience required, and you too may find yourself getting desperate for employees.

Article submitted by Misty Holmes: Full-time nanny, recently married. Just had to much espresso today.

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