In North Carolina, setting a table often coincides with setting a scene for memorable meals, noteworthy moments with loved ones and indelible experiences that are ingrained in the diners’ minds far longer than tastes linger.
More than 30 authors share stories about their experiences in The Carolina Table: North Carolina Writers on Food. A Yankee outlines the challenge she faced when finally learning to cook butter beans. A vegetarian sits down to a pork dinner. A journalist recalls mid-summer mater days in the newsroom. Contributors to The Carolina Table show what North Carolinians know to be true—our foodways contain our culture, our history, our priorities, our health, our wealth, our poverty and our souls.
“The collection of voices in The Carolina Table speaks to our diversity and character,” explains award-winning author Randall Kenan, who edited the collection and wrote the introduction. “Should someone look for a definition of what it means to be a North Carolinian now, this anthology will give a very solid, and flavorful, idea.”
About Randall Kenan:
Professor of English at UNC-Chapel Hill, Kenan is a novelist, journalist and food writer. A former editor at Knopf, he has received numerous awards for his work, including the North Carolina Award for Literature and the Rome Prize for the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
About Eno Publishers:
Eno is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to producing high-quality books in all formats about the culture and history of the Carolinas and the South.