Once upon a time, I had the pleasure of working with some of the best teachers in Asheville. I will spare you the long backstory (there are beers to be sipped). What I will tell you is that the school where we all worked closed shockingly and abruptly. The children we taught were left without a school. We, teachers, were left without our jobs and away from the children we loved so very much. Fast forward to now, 3 months later, and two of my former colleagues are in the beginning stages of opening up Open Hearts Village, a holistic and heart centered preschool, here in Asheville. There is no doubt that this school will make a huge and wonderful impact on the children of Asheville and on everyone involved. Ok, so what’s all this have to do with beer? We’re getting there. As you may know from past posts, I love the idea of mixing beers and making a positive difference. Well, children are our future, you know? What this school is attempting to create will be great for our future, for our kids. Be a part of that greatness. As we all know, schools cost money. And they …
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